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What is your personal power?
Jacqui Tillyard
What is your personal power? Interesting question isn’t it?
Could you put into words exactly what it is like to claim and apply your own power? Many struggle to describe this concept. Others have never really thought about it and have given away their future to an unknown destiny without having ever planned and orchestrated what they want to have happen in their own life. Personal power is all about taking full responsibility for your own life and the events in it.
For some the word power in itself has a negative connotation. Mainly down the fact that someone somewhere at sometime wielded unkind behaviour which they took to be power. For me, it is the realisation that anything is possible. The inner sense of knowing that all the resources you could ever need lie within you.
It is having utter belief, commitment and determined focus to make your dreams come true in an ecological manner. What do I mean by that I hear you ask, well having your dreams, goals and aspirations happen without harming anyone, or the environment around you.
Personal power is about dedication to excellence, making the most of each moment, being charismatic, energised and feeling totally alive. Make the most of any opportunity that may arise, spotting possibilities and acting on them to make your life even more fulfilled. It can be considered a multi-faceted idea. Imagine as you experience the rush of energy when you feel in control of your life. All the choices you make bring about your outcomes, so why not make them fantastic ones to propel you forwards in life.
Creating this self controlled motivation is the ability to know what goals you want to have happen, be able to set them and then achieve them. It is the ability to influence and persuade others for greater good.
Great power comes from being able to be an outstanding communicator, know when to speak up, when to listen and when to just stay quiet and present. Perfecting this essence encompasses enthusiasm, optimism and a sheer joy for your life.
When your energy levels rise, your sense of power does too. If you can be the cause of the things that occur in your life – be the master (or mistress!) of your own destiny – you have personal power. Just tap your inner resources of self-esteem, courage, persistence and confidence.
When you have that inner knowing that you can apply yourself to achieve what you want. It is personal power that brings you success and happiness and abundance.
Copyright (c) 2008 Jacqui Tillyard
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