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George Bush proposes economic growth package worth up to US$150 billion

Saturday, January 19, 2008

George W. Bush, the president of the United States has suggested an economic growth package that could be worth almost 1% of the United States’ GDP (the US GDP is appoximately US$15 trillion). The package is expected to come in the form of tax cuts.

In a speech which took place yesterday Mr.Bush said that the economy is an area of “real concern,” to the US government. He added that the US “economy is still creating jobs, though at a reduced pace.”

Democrats want the tax refunds to cover payroll taxes paid by lower-income groups and be combined with more unemployment benefits, food stamps and federal aid to states. It warned against bundling proposals to make Bush’s first term tax cuts permanent with the stimulus package, and the Bush administration has separated the two in this proposal.

When announcing the proposal George Bush said that “as Congress considers such a plan, there are certain principles that must guide its deliberations: This growth package must be big enough to make a difference in an economy as large and dynamic as ours — which means it should be about 1 percent of GDP.” He added that “this growth package must be built on broad-based tax relief that will directly affect economic growth — and not the kind of spending projects that would have little immediate impact on our economy. This growth package must be temporary and take effect right away — so we can get help to our economy when it needs it most.” He also added that he believed the package “must not include any tax increases.”

This growth package must be big enough to make a difference in an economy as large and dynamic as ours — which means it should be about 1 percent of GDP

In the speech George Bush also made it clear that he believes the package should be passed through congress quickly. He said that his belief was that by passing the package through congress quickly would “provide a shot in the arm to keep a fundamentally strong economy healthy. And it will help keep economic sectors that are going through adjustments, such as the housing market, from adversely affecting other parts of our economy.”

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Reasons Why Smart Businesses Dont Get A Success

For a long time,we have believed that if smart people and businesses work hard for hours, they will grow up definitely, but they don’t not. They are to develop in a reasonable way, while properly displaying all the products of the company in a nurturing environment with the custom boxes, then the success would eventually come.

When we see others doing that and looked at the people, we thought that wow’ that business or brand would go on to do the best things; we ultimately forget to get the admiration and set things ups and downs.

But as the business nurtures and grows up, it needs to realize that as many people are aware of the nature of the products, business grows faster.

You might have seen such people in your life that are intelligent enough and have strong ethics of work and business but have not gone on to do a notable business, and in reverse, many other his counterparts are doing best.

Unfortunately, these people are those who are unaware of the display packaging boxesand are drift along in their wholesale business. They are not sure of what role do with packaging play in business. Thus, be smart is a part of business, and this shows through your use of intellect in grabbing the customers.

The Contributing Factors for A Smart Business:

You are to realize that there are a lot of factors when it comes to talking about the use of packaging and especially the display in the retail business.


Whether it means portraying the whole brand or business or fulfilling the meaning of boxes, that is protection. It’s having a great relationship with the product and business.

But there are more at play than just the use of the display packaging.

We have analyzed the factors that might bring success. But we also have brought the findings of why you are not finding success even if you are smart and hardworking enough.

You Don’t Catch New Customers:

It’s easy to retain the old customers and stick them to your business for a long time. You never fail to inspire them through product quality. But you know it’s difficult to catch the new customers and add them to your loyal customer’s list altogether.

The problem is that they are not aware of the brand and also what you are presenting; your competitors are also on the flow. So, what’s the difference? Nothing. The same ideas never inspire modern customers. Success means when you have a pile-up of customers, and your churn rate is also stable.

The ideas are recycled over and over again, and you don’t give others to win a lead. That is actual success and smartness when customers stop by the side of your display packaging boxes and grab it with a smiley face without even need of it.

Besides that, you don’t need to learn new perspectives outside of your mind bubble.

Although it is tough to reach out to new customers at first, starting from the smart things and ideas can help a lot.

Aim at a long goal initially, like printing your brand name on a display packaging box and introduce yourself in the market.

You have to fight for your dream of being a successful brand and business. So, work for it.

You are unwilling to bring change:

Presenting your product in the same way and in the same boxes for a long time brings boredom. But It also becomes hard to accept something new with the leading dangers and risks of not being accepted for the customers. The good news is that change brings a chance for grooming success with opportunities and innovations.

Instead of accepting change, see how you can display your brand item in a box or packaging. With that, see you can make the best of it. Maybe you can convince your customers with the best of them; then you will see the different perspectives.

So be open to your concepts and ideas and make people curious about the world of your products.

You Don’t Take the Initial Risk That Is Essential in Business:

Smart and clever businesses often choose the safe route, but they take the chance to succeed and ultimately win in life. They might follow the same way as their competitors but in different styles.

While traditional packaging guarantees a different degree of success, but it can be mundane if you follow the traditions and not choosing your desires to display retail products in their packaging.

Many people and companies are willing to change their packaging but are afraid to do so. Be a light or first drop of rain and bring change in your packaging line.

Interview with US political activist and philosopher Noam Chomsky

Saturday, April 4, 2009

Noam Chomsky is a professor emeritus at Massachusetts Institute of Technology in Linguistics and Philosophy. At the age of 40 he was credited with revolutionizing the field of modern linguistics. He was one of the first opponents of the Vietnam War, and is a self described Libertarian Socialist. At age 80 he continues to write books; his latest book, Hegemony or Survival, was a bestseller in non-fiction. According to the Arts and Humanities Citation Index Professor Chomsky is the eighth most cited scholar of all time.

On March 13, Professor Chomsky sat down with Michael Dranove for an interview in his MIT office in Cambridge, Massachusetts.

((Michael Dranove)) I just wanted to know if you had any thoughts on recent NATO actions and the protests coming up at the 60th NATO conference, I know you’re speaking at the counter-conference.

Could be I give so many talks I can’t remember (laughs).

On the NATO conference, well I mean the obvious question is why should NATO exist? In fact you can ask questions about why it should ever have existed, but now why should it exist. I mean the theory was, whether you believe it or not, that it would be a defensive alliance against potential Soviet aggression, that’s the basic doctrine. Well there’s no defense against Soviet aggression, so whether you believe that doctrine or not that’s gone.

When the Soviet Union collapsed there had been an agreement, a recent agreement, between Gorbachev and the U.S government and the first Bush administration. The agreement was that Gorbachev agreed to a quite remarkable concession: he agreed to let a united Germany join the NATO military alliance. Now it is remarkable in the light of history, the history of the past century, Germany alone had virtually destroyed Russia, twice, and Germany backed by a hostile military alliance, centered in the most phenomenal military power in history, that’s a real threat. Nevertheless he agreed, but there was a quid pro quo, namely that NATO should not expand to the east, so Russia would at least have a kind of security zone. And George Bush and James Baker, secretary of state, agreed that NATO would not expand one inch to the east. Gorbachev also proposed a nuclear free weapons zone in the region, but the U.S wouldn’t consider that.

Okay, so that was the basis on which then shortly after the Soviet Union collapsed. Well, Clinton came into office what did he do? Well one of the first things he did was to back down on the promise of not expanding NATO to the east. Well that’s a significant threat to the Soviet Union, to Russia now that there was no longer any Soviet Union, it was a significant threat to Russia and not surprisingly they responded by beefing up their offensive capacity, not much but some. So they rescinded their pledge not to use nuclear weapons on first strike, NATO had never rescinded it, but they had and started some remilitarization. With Bush, the aggressive militarism of the Bush administration, as predicted, induced Russia to extend further its offensive military capacity; it’s still going on right now. When Bush proposed the missile defense systems in Eastern Europe, Poland and Czechoslovakia, it was a real provocation to the Soviet Union. I mean that was discussed in U.S arms control journals, that they would have to regard as a potential threat to their strategic deterrent, meaning as a first strike weapon. And the claim was that it had to do with Iranian missiles, but forget about that.

Why should we even be debating NATO, is there any reason why it should exist?

Take say on Obama, Obama’s national security advisor James Jones former Marine commandant is on record of favoring expansion of NATO to the south and the east, further expansion of NATO, and also making it an intervention force. And the head of NATO, Hoop Scheffer, he has explained that NATO must take on responsibility for ensuring the security of pipelines and sea lanes, that is NATO must be a guarantor of energy supplies for the West. Well that’s kind of an unending war, so do we want NATO to exist, do we want there to be a Western military alliance that carries out these activities, with no pretense of defense? Well I think that’s a pretty good question; I don’t see why it should, I mean there happens to be no other military alliance remotely comparable — if there happened to be one I’d be opposed to that too. So I think the first question is, what is this all about, why should we even be debating NATO, is there any reason why it should exist?

((Michael Dranove)) We’ve seen mass strikes all around the world, in countries that we wouldn’t expect it. Do think this is a revival of the Left in the West? Or do you think it’s nothing?

It’s really hard to tell. I mean there’s certainly signs of it, and in the United States too, in fact we had a sit down strike in the United States not long ago, which is a very militant labor action. Sit down strikes which began at a significant level in the 1930’s were very threatening to management and ownership, because the sit down strike is one step before workers taking over the factory and running it and kicking out the management, and probably doing a better job. So that’s a frightening idea, and police were called in and so on. Well we just had one in the United States at the Republic Windows and Doors Factory, it’s hard to know, I mean these things are just hard to predict, they may take off, and they may take on a broader scope, they may fizzle away or be diverted.

((Michael Dranove)) Obama has said he’s going to halve the budget. Do you think it’s a little reminiscent of Clinton right before he decided to institute welfare reform, basically destroying half of welfare, do you think Obama is going to take the same course?

There’s nothing much in his budget to suggest otherwise, I mean for example, he didn’t really say much about it, about the welfare system, but he did indicate that they are going to have to reconsider Social Security. Well there’s nothing much about social security that needs reconsideration, it’s in pretty good financial shape, probably as good as it’s been in its history, it’s pretty well guaranteed for decades in advance. As long as any of the famous baby boomers are around social Security will be completely adequate. So its not for them, contrary to what’s being said. If there is a long term problem, which there probably is, there are minor adjustments that could take care of things.

So why bring up Social Security at all? If it’s an issue at all it’s a very minor one. I suspect the reason for bringing it up is, Social Security is regarded as a real threat by power centers, not because of what it does, very efficient low administrative costs, but for two reasons. One reason is that it helps the wrong people. It helps mostly poor people and disabled people and so on, so that’s kind of already wrong, even though it has a regressive tax. But I think a deeper reason is that social security is based on an idea that power centers find extremely disturbing, namely solidarity, concern for others, community, and so on.

If people have a commitment to solidarity, mutual aid, support, and so on, that’s dangerous because that could lead to concern for other things.

The fundamental idea of Social Security is that we care about whether the disabled widow across town has food to eat. And that kind of idea has to be driven out of people’s heads. If people have a commitment to solidarity, mutual aid, support, and so on, that’s dangerous because that could lead to concern for other things. Like, it’s well known, for example, that markets just don’t provide lots of options, which today are crucial options. So for example, markets today permit you to buy one brand of car or another. But a market doesn’t permit you to decide “I don’t want a car, I want a public transportation system”. That’s just not a choice made available on the market. And the same is true on a wide range of other issues of social significance, like whether to help the disabled widow across town. Okay, that’s what communities decide, that’s what democracy is about, that’s what social solidarity is about and mutual aid, and building institutions by people for the benefit of people. And that threatens the system of domination and control right at the heart, so there’s a constant attack on Social Security even though the pretexts aren’t worth paying attention to.

There are other questions on the budget; the budget is called redistributive, I mean, very marginally it is so, but the way it is redistributive to the extent that it is, is by slightly increasing the tax responsibility to the extremely wealthy. Top couple of percent, and the increase is very marginal, doesn’t get anywhere near where it was during the periods of high growth rate and so on. So that’s slightly redistributive, but there are other ways to be redistributive, which are more effective, for example allowing workers to unionize. It’s well known that where workers are allowed to unionize and most of them want to, that does lead to wages, better working conditions, benefits and so on, which is redistributive and also helps turn working people into more of a political force. And instead of being atomized and separated they’re working to together in principle, not that humans function so wonderfully, but at least it’s a move in that direction. And there is a potential legislation on the table that would help unionize, the Employee Free Choice Act. Which Obama has said he’s in favor of, but there’s nothing about it in the budget, in fact there’s nothing in the budget at all as far as I can tell about improving opportunities to unionize, which is an effective redistributive goal.

And there’s a debate right now, it happens to be in this morning’s paper if Obama’s being accused by Democrats, in fact particularly by Democrats, of taking on too much. Well actually he hasn’t taken on very much, the stimulus package; I mean anybody would have tried to work that out with a little variation. And the same with the bailouts which you can like or not, but any President is going to do it. What is claimed is that he’s adding on to it health care reform, which will be very expensive, another hundreds of billions of dollars, and it’s just not the time to do that. I mean, why would health care reform be more expensive? Well it depends which options you pick. If the healthcare reforms maintain the privatized system, yeah, it’s going to be very expensive because it’s a hopelessly inefficient system, it’s very costly, its administrative costs are far greater than Medicare, the government run system. So what that means is that he’s going to maintain a system which we know is inefficient, has poor outcomes, but is a great benefit to insurance companies, financial institutions, the pharmaceutical industry and so on. So it can save money, health care reform can be a method of deficit reduction. Namely by moving to an efficient system that provides health care to everyone, but that’s hardly talked about, its advocates are on the margins and its main advocates aren’t even included in the groups that are discussing it.

And if you look through it case after case there are a lot of questions like that. I mean, take unionization again, this isn’t in the budget but take an example. Obama, a couple of weeks ago, wanted to make a gesture to show his solidarity with the labor movement, which workers, well that’s different (chuckles) with the workers not the labor movement. And he went to go visit an industrial plant in Illinois, the plant was owned by Caterpillar. There was some protest over that, by human rights groups, church groups, and others because of Caterpillar’s really brutal role in destroying what’s left of Palestine. These were real weapons of mass destruction, so there were protests but he went anyway. However, there was a much deeper issue which hasn’t even been raised, which is a comment on our deep ideological indoctrination. I mean Caterpillar was the first industrial organization to resort to scabs, strikebreakers, to break a major strike. This was in the 1980’s, Reagan had already opened the doors with the air controllers, but this is the first in the manufacturing industry to do it. That hadn’t been done in generations. In fact, it was illegal in every industrial country except apartheid South Africa. But that was Caterpillar’s achievement helping to destroy a union by calling in scabs, and if you call in scabs forget about strikes, in other words, or any other labor action. Well that’s the plant Obama went to visit. It’s possible he didn’t know, because the level of indoctrination in our society is so profound that most people wouldn’t even know that. Still I think that it’s instructive, if you’re interested in doing something redistributive, you don’t go to a plant that made labor history by breaking the principle that you can’t break strikes with scabs.

((Michael Dranove)) I live out in Georgia, and a lot of people there are ultra-right wing Ron Paul Libertarians. They’re extremely cynical. Is there any way for people on the left to reach out to them?

I think what you have to do is ask, what makes them Ron Paul Libertarians? I don’t happen to think that makes a lot of sense, but nevertheless underlying it are feelings that do make sense. I mean the feeling for example that the government is our enemy. It’s a very widespread feeling, in fact, that’s been induced by propaganda as well.

So pretty soon it will be April 15th, and the people in your neighborhood are going to have to send in their income taxes. The way they’re going to look at it, and the way they’ve been trained to look at it is that there is some alien force, like maybe from Mars, that is stealing our hard earned money from us and giving it to the government. Okay, well, that would be true in a totalitarian state, but if you had a democratic society you’d look at it the other way around You’d say “great, it’s April 15th, we’re all going to contribute to implement the plans that we jointly decided on for the benefit of all of us.” But that idea is even more frightening than Social Security. It means that we would have a functioning democracy, and no center of concentrated power is ever going to want that, for perfectly obvious reasons. So yes there are efforts, and pretty successful efforts to get people to fear the government as their enemy, not to regard it as the collective population acting in terms of common goals that we’ve decided on which would be what have to happen in a democracy. And is to an extent what does happen in functioning democracies, like Bolivia, the poorest country in South America. It’s kind of what’s happening there more or less. But that’s very remote from what’s happening here.

Well I think Ron Paul supporters can be appealed to on these grounds, they’re also against military intervention, and we can ask “okay, why?” Is it just for their own security, do they want to be richer or something? I doubt it, I think people are concerned because they think we destroyed Iraq and so on. So I think that there are lots of common grounds that can be explored, even if the outcomes, at the moment, look very different. They look different because they’re framed within fixed doctrines. But those doctrines are not graven in stone. They can be undermined.

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Microsoft to track legal marijuana with new partner Kind Financial

Sunday, June 19, 2016

Microsoft announced on Thursday they are partnering with KIND Financial to help governments track the production and distribution of legal marijuana. Kind Financial, a California-based start-up company, began selling its Agrisoft Seed to Sale software three years ago. Microsoft is admitting Kind’s software on the Government portion of its Azure cloud service.

Although Kind Financial CEO David Dinenberg stressed to The Guardian they “absolutely do not touch the plant”, his company does business with growers and distributors of marijuana, as well as the governments that regulate it. State law in twenty-five US states — but not US federal law — has legalized marijuana, whether medicinally or for recreational use. Kimberly Nelson, Microsoft executive director of state and local government solutions, said they expect significant demand for technology to help states make sure cannabis distribution within their state is done according to their laws.

Kind also provides kiosks similar to automated tellers (ATMs) to facilitate marijuana transactions in dispensaries. The distribution of marijuana is often done only with cash or through machines like the ones Kind offers since many banks in the United States shy away from the marijuana industry entirely. Microsoft is not interacting with this part of Kind’s operations, however.

Microsoft and Kind will apply for contracts with state governments for their software. Currently, they have applied to Puerto Rico, a US territory, where medical marijuana has recently been made legal. BioTrackTHC, a company similar to Kind Financial, already has contracts with Washington, New Mexico, and Illinois.

Dinenberg said his company’s partnership with Microsoft is a major step in advancing the legitimacy of cannabis-related businesses.

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Reasons For Increasing Demand Of Used Smart Cars

Reasons for increasing demand of Used smart cars


Lisaroy1 ‘Cars the status symbol that reflects greater level of pride, prestige along with which luxury and comfort walks hand and hand’ is the one line definition of this most demanded vehicle of the auto world. Initially these motors were owned by royal and rich people due to two reasons – greater pride used to reflect from this motor and also it was too costly due to which budget oriented buyers could not be able to own them, but now the scenario is more enhanced as now this motor is owned by almost all. The demand for cars have increased considerably this gave rise to greater supply due to which now the auto market is filled with number of cars for sale

of different types, models and brand names.


Along with the demand factor and supply factor, there is one more thing that boosted the marketers to walk towards the way of car buying. ‘Company’ is that another factor, the companies played a lead and most important role over here as the advancement that the companies made in ‘cars’ is remarking and really fantabulous. The very first thing the company did was they invented new and more enhanced types of luxury vehicles. The different and the advanced types filled the market with specialized motors these specialized motors developed the vehicles with master approach that in-turn have boosted the vehicles uses and preference areas. These types are as follows, compact, sport utility, luxury sedan, hatchback, mini and so on, these types are so special and keen in its working areas due to which demand for this motor is increasing day by day. Initially the market used to be filled with various luxury vehicles and now the market gets filled with various types of cars for sale by owners

and dealers.

Due to the introduction of specialized types not only the demand were increased but also the companies’ approachability factor increased in greater manner. This means that the companies name and the preference factor increased considerably the companies which come in this range are Chevrolet, GMC, Dodge, Toyota, Ford and so on. These brand based companies have made constant efforts to develop and design this motor due to which it can be said that the efforts of such companies have made the auto world lavished with numerous cars for sale. First step was taken to develop performance vehicles, second step was taken to develop different types of luxury vehicles and now the third step is taken to develop a platform where ease in marketing used tagged motors can be experienced. The concept of used motors came into focus because of the branded companies, as the branded companies develops the cars with master features due to which longer factor especially durability can be enjoyed by the owner. Now these companies are into constant efforts to make the market more strong and established for used smart cars marketing business. Apart from all these things the indirect approach of the companies towards their customers and prospective customers also makes special mark. Thus for all these things the cars buying and selling business enjoys increase in the market areas. Lastly the cars itself makes a appeal on the marketers, as now not only comfort, convenience, traveling needs, luxury features are inbuilt in such type of motors but also the factor of advanced E tech power is equipped in many of the models due to which the environment is also making special approach!

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at this place you can come across various pleasing services that can make your Car buying easier, simpler and beneficial than before. The experts have listed various cars for sale at this place due to which buying and selling of cars can be carried with ease.Also information about different types of cars is provided here.

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Pennsylvania state trooper found guilty of first-degree murder

Friday, March 20, 2009

In the United States, a suspended Pennsylvania state trooper has been convicted of first-degree murder for killing his girlfriend’s estranged husband.

Kevin Foley, 43, faces a mandatory life sentence without parole for slashing to death John Yelenic, a Blairsville dentist who was in the final stages of divorcing his wife, Michele. Foley’s attorney said he plans to appeal the decision. Prosecutors did not seek the death penalty.

Foley previously said he “loathed Dr. Yelenic” and asked another fellow trooper to help kill him. During his testimony, which lasted several hours, Foley claimed he was joking and had no true intention of carrying out the threat, but the Indiana County jury rejected that defense after about six hours of deliberations.

John Yelenic was found dead in his home on April 13, 2006, one day before he was planning on signing his divorce papers. Charges were brought against Foley in September 2007, more than 17 months after the murder.

Foley, who had been on suspension from the Pennsylvania State Police, was himself the final witness to take the stand Wednesday in the trial. Foley insisted he was innocent during his testimony, and even made jokes that the jury laughed at on a few occasions.

“I never made a threat with the intention of carrying it out,” Foley said under cross-examination by the prosecution.

When Senior Deputy Attorney General Anthony Krastek pressed Foley for what was funny about asking another state trooper to help him kill Yelenic, Foley answered, “There isn’t any joke. It’s just my personality, my behavior (with co-workers).”

Prosecutors said Foley killed Yelenic after going to the dentist’s house to confront him over the terms of the divorce. Prosecutors claim Foley slashed Yelenic several times with a knife and pushed his head through a small window. Yelenic bled to death.

“John has his justice tonight,” Mary Ann Clark, a cousin of Yelenic, told MSNBC. “John deserved this; he was the most wonderful person in the world. He died the most horrible death and tonight, this is his night. The system worked.”

Foley had been living with Michele Yelenic for two years at the time of the homicide. Prosecutors previously said Foley and Michele helped perpetuate rumors that Dr. Yelenic molested their son. John and Michele Yelenic had been separated in 2002. Michele Yelenic stood to collect Dr. Yelenic’s estate and a US$1 million life insurance policy, and could lose about $2,500 a month in support if the divorce was finalized, a Pennsylvania grand jury previously determined.

Michele Yelenic, who has not appeared at the trial, may face legal action herself, media reports indicated. A sentencing hearing for Foley is scheduled for June 1.

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Some General Introduction About Equestrian Clothing

These basics equestrian clothing can be purchased online or your local tack shop. Here are some different items you may come across along with a description of their uses.Riding helmet or hat; investing in a quality of a riding hat or helmet is a priority for all riders of any ages. There is always an element of risk when you are riding .Every rider should have a professionally fitted helmet. There is a vast variety of riding helmets to choose from. Ventilated helmets are good for kids. If you are considering trail riding, there are sturdy leather helmets that will last longer and not get scratched or torn.Paddock Boots; these boots are specially designed to prevent your foot from getting caught in the stirrup should get thrown from your horse. Their shape allows your foot to slide easily from the stirrup. Proper paddock boots are much a safety necessity as a riding comfort. They will also give your ankles an adequate support during training.Protective Riding Vests; riding vests are specially designed to protect your vital organs if you fall. They have become mandatory for children at some equestrian centers. You can also talk to the trainer of your child if he suggests that your child needs a protective vest.Riding Breeches; riding breeches or riding pants are not essential for beginners riding. But they will probably make your experience more comfortable. Here is a large variety available online ranging from thin, lightly padded riding tights, to full seats riding breeches. If you bruise easily or feel you need extra padding around, full seat riding breeches may work well for you. They are designed to help you to feel comfortable while riding. These riding breeches are designed to protect your lower legs from the irritation or bruising due to rubbing against the stirrup straps.Gloves; gloves should be worn in cold weather. Most riders prefer unlined doeskin or cowhide. Lined gloves are too bulky. String gloves for wet weather are essential. Sturdy Oxford with low heels may be worn with Jodhpurs. Under no circumstances should the rider wear the sneakers, loafers or heelless foot wears. With such type of shoes the riders foot may by mistake slide.

French workers use threats in compensation demand

Friday, July 17, 2009Following similar threats by workers at New Fabris and Nortel, workers at JLG in Tonneins, France, threatened to blow up several platform cranes. The JLG factory announced in April 2009 that it will fire 53 of its 163 workers by the end of 2009, while the remaining 110 jobs will not be secure over the next 2 years.

JLG Tonneins was acquired in 2006 with its parent JLG Industries, a maker of aerial work platforms, by the U.S.-based Oshkosh Corporation. Despite being hugely profitable in the past, production has been much reduced since 2008 with the contraction of the construction industry and lower demand for its products. Despite excellent past results the new American management demanded sweeping cuts at the company.

In the view of locals, “the company’s actions are a disgrace given the expensive perks, such as official cars, for its corporate fat cats, compared to the sacrifice, silence, and dignity demanded by the company of those it has made redundant.”

The management offered severance pay of 3,000 (US $4,200), however the workers demanded a severance package commensurate with “the wealth that their labor has generated.” Worker’s delegates requested a “supra-legal” payment of € 30,000, on Thursday 16 of July the management responded with a counter offer of € 16,000. On Thursday night the worker’s actions secured the € 30,000 settlement initially demanded.

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Knight Foundation and Mozilla send geeks into newsrooms

Friday, November 11, 2011

In London last weekend, journalists, software developers, filmmakers, designers and many others spent time discussing ideas and building tools at the 2011 Mozilla Festival at Ravensbourne College. Following the theme of “Media, Freedom and the Web”, many attendees developed prototypes around the idea of the future of media including tablet interface prototypes for the Boston Globe, designs for open source software for DJs, and hacks to enable journalists to combine video and original source text together to tell stories in more interactive ways.

One important announcement made at the event was details of five new fellowship places sponsored by the Knight Foundation and the Mozilla Foundation that attempt to bring together journalists and open source-minded software geeks. Wikinews spoke to Laurian Gridinoc, who currently works at Talis building software for higher education but will move for a year to the BBC to work in the newsroom. Other fellows will be working for The Guardian, Al-Jazeera, the Boston Globe and Zeit Online.

Gridinoc says the Fellowship intends to “introduce innovation in the newsroom by embedding some developers as fellows”. The fellows will collaborate with people within the news organization. They hope to be open about how they are changing the newsroom. Gridinoc says he and the others will “blog about making the news, on how things can be done, and how [open source] tools can be used”, and he specifically will work on trying to increase the use of linked data, a practice already embraced by the BBC. “Adaptive documents” were another area of interest for Laurian: having stories where illustrations and examples dynamically adapt to the particular reader.

According to the fellows speaking as part of a panel discussion, many newsrooms reject the use of open source tools even for producing maps, graphs and infographics.

How journalists adapt to the web was a theme throughout the weekend, with sessions teaching journalists to write HTML and write basic scripts in Ruby to scrape websites, discussions on Creative Commons and what “hacker journalism” entails. One group worked on collaboratively produced handbook on “data journalism” while others tested and refined Ushahidi, a crowdsourced news tool that was used during the earthquakes in Haiti and Chile in 2010 and in Christchurch, New Zealand in 2011.

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