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Pc Security At Glance

Submitted by: Vladimir Petrov

Executives at small to mid-sized businesses that we have surveyed state that one of their top technology concerns continues to be security and privacy. Small to mid-sized businesses store vital data: client files, accounting records, corporate records, email communications, and more. Failing to back up this data or keep it secure can ruin a business.

Most small to mid-sized businesses have taken essential steps to consider security and privacy in all that they do. And still, they wonder if they are doing the right things. This article highlights the four biggest issues that small to mid-sized businesses face, and the simple steps they need to take to address these risks.

Risk #1: Data Backup and Storage. The costs of recreating lost data for a small to mid-sized business can be huge, both in terms of recovery and the cost to the firm’s public profile and image. For instance, a firm simply can’t afford to recreate three months of accounts receivable invoices.

Solution: It is crucial to have real-time, frequent backups and to confirm that data retrieval processes are working. Manual backups can be less expensive than automated backups, and equally reliable. At the same time, small to mid-sized businesses can’t overlook the process of retrieving backups. In fact, retrieving lost data often proves more risky than storing data in the first place, and is often overlooked by small to mid-sized businesses that focus more on data storage. It is essential to test retrieval of stored data on a regular basis.


Risk #2: Threats from internal sources. In the case of small to mid-sized businesses, threats from internal sources are often larger than threats from unknown hackers. We are aware of a number of cases of attempted fraud. For instance, an employee at one business managed to hack into escrow holding accounts, as well as private files containing owners private credit card numbers.

Solution: Only authorized users should be able to access vital data, a strict privacy and security policy should be in place, and businesses should be especially careful when adding and removing employees/users. Of course, most small to mid-sized businesses have created a network architecture with unique user names that is password driven. Unfortunately, we have found that many businesses have become complacent and sloppy with this type of system.

For instance, they share passwords or give each employee/partner the same password. Even businesses that do follow this system can go further by checking the log files on the servers and on applications, and by testing network security each time an employee comes or goes, to ensure that there has been no security breach.

Risk #3: Turnover of in-house technical resources. We have found small to mid-sized businesses experience turnover of their in-house technical resources every 12 to 18 months. Most of the time, these “technical” employees did not create written processes and procedures for security, or kept them inside their heads. Turnover of staff therefore can lead to decreased attention to privacy and security, and make a small to mid-sized businesses vulnerable.

Solution: Small to mid-sized businesses should have a formal, written procedure and set of standards in place for testing their system for breaches and risks. They should test their system regularly, and also check log files – especially during employee transitions. These standards and processes should have a life independent of any single employee.

Risk #4: Vendors, especially IT vendors. It is a secret in the IT world that many IT service providers create more security and privacy problems than they fix. That’s because they may lack good security procedures and, if they are vulnerable to hacking, so are their clients. Any vendor that connects to your systems can make you vulnerable to hackers.

Solution: Small to mid-sized businesses should screen all vendors, and especially IT vendors, to ensure that they have a secure infrastructure. Ask them how they connect to your computers in order to maintain security. Request their written policies and procedures about how they govern security and privacy. Find out how your security might be compromised if someone breaks into their system. Ask about how they recruit and screen their employees.

Conclusion: Don’t get complacent!

The solutions to privacy and security issues are technically straightforward. What is often lacking is a proactive, consistent approach to ensuring that security remains strong. In addition, it is challenging to find the right resources to be truly accountable for security and privacy. Due to turnover and other demands on their job, in-house technical resources are often not ideal candidates to handle these vital issues.

Conflicting demands on their time can lead to the appearance of security without actual compliance (e.g. passwords that people share; lack of written procedures and standards). When they leave, small to mid-sized businesses are vulnerable, often for some time. Meanwhile, many IT vendors lack the infrastructure and expertise to adequately secure small to mid-sized businesses firm’s vital data and applications. Small to mid-sized businesses must stay on top of Computer Security and privacy issues, and be sure that they follow a consistent set of policies and procedures.

About the Author: Vladimir Petrov – Chief Technology Advisor


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“PGR4” pre-launch in Taiwan: TOP Drivers’ Derby

Saturday, September 29, 2007

After the launch of “Halo 3” on Tuesday (September 25), Microsoft promoted a brand new Xbox360 racing game “Project Gotham Racing 4” (PGR4) with a friendship match as a “TOP on TOP” competition between Taiwanese World Cyber Games (WCG) PGR3 Delegate You-cheng Liu and “Drift Master of Taiwan” Po-hsiung Chou at YAMAHA MotorTown in Taipei City, Taiwan.

Before the friendship match, Cary Chen (Senior Product Marketing Manager of Entertainment and Device Division, Microsoft Taiwan) show the new features on PGR4 to the press, VIPs, and guests and praised the “PGR” game series with the “Kudos” skill points. He remarked that in the “PGR4”, not only joined new car type and racing motorcycles, but also add Dynamic Weather System feature for the performance of new different type experiences on weathers, driving, and racing lane.

Chen also remarked that PGR series is surely respected because of the racing game competition factor on WCG from 2006. This “PGR” series can realize lots of dreams of players on making some special skills which can’t be done on reality. With the Xbox Live linking, PGR series has successfully made a great achievement.

After the presentation and demos, Microsoft Taiwan held a friendship match. Before the match, Y. C. Liu welcomed P. H. Chou with Chou drove a BMW car to the main entrance. After the entrance, the match started. With the witnesses of VIPs, press, and players, Liu won the friendship match by the turning fault of Chou. Even though Chou wanted to invite Live as a racer in reality after the match, but Liu temporarily declined with his consideration.

Microsoft Taiwan announced that the Chinese Version of “PGR4” will be available on October 5, and welcomed players competing with “I want ‘PGR4’ Helmet!” photo competition. And also, “Yamaha PGR4 Cup – Taiwan Driving Master Championship” will be held and set qualification section in October and final section in December of Information Month in Taipei.

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Gaza Strip suffers harsh economic collapse: UN

Friday, September 5, 2014

The United Nations Conference on Trade and Development (UNCTAD) reported harsh economic collapse in the Gaza Strip on Wednesday, calling for its reconstruction. In a statement to the press, the organizations said that the data included in the report doesn’t take into consideration the outcomes of the recent conflict with Israel.

According to the Conference’s annual report, the economic growth in Gaza has dwindled from 11% between 2010-2012 to only 1.5% in the past year, and the cost of rebuilding it is estimated at about 1.8 billion dollars. The UNCTAD warns of disastrous outcomes if the situation isn’t addressed immediately.

Beyond foreign support, the organization recommends taking steps that would allow the Gazan economy to stabilize and eventually stand on its own and decrease its dependence on foreign economies.

“The situation in reality is graver than what is mentioned in the report, as it was prepared before the latest Israeli offensive operation on Gaza strip,” said Economic Affairs officer in the Assistance to the Palestinian People Unit in UNCTAD Mutasim Elagraa.

Furthermore, UNCTAD’s coordinator for the Palestinian Territories, Mahmoud Elkhafif, told reporters that now, following the damages caused by the conflict, rebuilding Gaza would require more than 4 billion dollars.

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A Perfect Cocktail Reception}

A perfect cocktail reception


Alma MillerPeople like to have fun and they are willing to invest quite a bit of effort to make it happen. Interaction with others is one of the main things most people are interested in, but they are always looking for the right reason. If you do not want to look like you are off track, you should attend certain events that will allow you to let go and have fun.

But what if you want to plan such an event? What if you want to bring a few people together for a cocktail reception that will allow you to interact with them while having fun? You have to keep in mind that this is not an easy task and there are quite a few things you have to consider. There are many aspects you may not even be aware of about this.

For instance, every party must have food, drinks and entertainment. The food at a cocktail reception is usually not the same as you would find at a more formal event. People will not sit at the table as they would at a wedding and they have to pick up something quick. A buffet is going to do the trick since they will find all the food on one table.


The drinks are also different and less formal. Since you are out to have fun, the cocktail reception will allow you to try a few things that are not so ordinary. A bartender will be there for your needs and you can enjoy a number of cocktails that suit your taste. Each option you will turn to is going to make the night a lot more appealing in the end.

A party Cyprus is no fun if you do not have a little bit of music. You can turn to a live band, but they may not be able to meet the needs of everyone. If you want to have real fun, you can hire a DJ for it. It will be easier for him to fit in smaller venue as well, you will have all the types of music you are interested in and you will be ready for fun.

Once you have all these things figured out, all you need is the people to attend the party Cyprus. For this you have to focus on who you are planning the event for and thus you will know who to invite. If it is for people at work, it is easier. If you want to invite others, you have to come up with invitations to show them how much fun they can have.

If you feel like it is too much for you to handle and you are looking for a little bit of help when it comes to planning a party Cyprus, you can visit the site of This is where you will find a team that plans events every day and you can make the most of their experience in the field as soon as you get in touch with them.


cocktail reception

is a less formal event where you will be able to have more fun. If you want to plan a

party Cyprus

that will be remembered for a long time to come, you should visit the site named before to find a little bit of help in this direction.

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Canadian city announces first Studios of Brampton tour

Thursday, August 25, 2005

Created by the Brampton Arts Council and the City of Brampton, the Studios of Brampton studio tour will allow residents a chance to view works by dozens of local artists at twelve locations.

The tour will run October 1 & 2 from 10 pm until 4 pm ET.

On the tour are the personal studios of watercolourist Jack Reid, sculpture Marion Bartlett, woodworker Rick Bino, ceramicist Eric Wong, calligrapher and fashion illustrator Rosemarie Gidvani, abstract painter Karen Darling, oil painter John Cutruzzola, stain-glass artist Darlene Robichaud, and watercolourist Gordon Stuart.

Also on the tour is the Art Gallery of Peel, which will be exhibiting Sydney Drum, a Canadian artist based in New York, and Kelly McNeil.

Visual Arts Brampton and Beaux-Arts Brampton will both have line-ups of local artist members. VAB has confirmed displays by William Band, Bridget Doughty, Betty Jean Evans, Marguerite Finlayson, Conrad Mieschke, Keith Moreau, Mary Noble, Olga Rudge, and Elizabeth Patrick.

Sample works representing each location on the tour will be shown at the Brampton City Hall’s Atrium Gallery.

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World’s first double arm transplant undertaken in Munich

Saturday, August 2, 2008

A 54-year-old German farmer who lost both arms in a farming accident six years ago has become the first patient to receive a complete double arm transplant. The patient, whose name has not been released, underwent the operation at the Klinikum rechts der Isar, part of the Technical University of Munich (Technische Universität München), last week; he is said to be recovering well.

The operation lasted 15 hours and was performed by a team of 40 specialists in Plastic Surgery, Hand Surgery, Orthopedics and Anesthesiology, under the direction of the head of the Plastics and Hand Surgery department, Prof. Hans-Günther Machens, Dr. Christoph Höhnke (Head of Transplants, Senior Physician; Plastics and Hand Surgery) and Prof. Edgar Biemer, the former Chief of Plastic Surgery at the Clinic.

In a press statement released by the clinic, it was revealed that the patient had been thoroughly physically checked and had psychological counselling prior to the surgery to ensure he was mentally stable enough to cope with the procedure. Since completion of the surgery, the patient has been on immuno-suppressant drugs to prevent rejection of the new limbs.

Following the surgery, the press release from the clinic’s press manager, Dr. Tanja Schmidhofer, included the following statement:

The flow of blood was [re-]started in intervals of 20 minutes because the anaesthetists had to make sure that the patient would not suffer from the blood flowing back from the transplanted parts. No significant swelling was seen, nor indeed any ischemia (lack of blood flow to the tissues). This is a testament to the surgeons who established a fully functioning blood flow…the main nerves, the Musculocutaneus, Radial and Ulnar nerves were all attached and sewn together, and finally an external fixator was applied, with pins in the lower and upper arms, avoiding the risk of pressure points and sores. The operation was successfully completed after 15 hours.

Without the immuno-suppressant drugs given to the patient, the risk of there being a Graft-versus-Host Reaction or GvHR, would have been significant due to the upper arm containing a large amount of bone marrow, consisting of ICC’s or Immuno-Competent Cells, which would have triggered a near total rejection of the new limbs. A GvHR is a condition which results in the cells from the transplant attacking the immune system of the body.

Indications from the clinic suggest that the double attachment went well, although it could be up to 2 full years before the patient is able to move the arms.

The donor arms came from an unnamed teenager, who is believed to have died in a car accident.

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U.S. ISPs to test restricting heavy Internet users

Thursday, June 5, 2008

On June 3rd, 2008, two United States Internet service providers (ISPs) announced they would begin tests to slow web access for their most active customers and charge them for extra speed. Comcast and Time Warner Cable, two of the largest ISPs in North America, both made separate announcements of their plans. The actions come in the wake of an investigation by the Federal Communications Commission (FCC), over whether Comcast had restricted some customers from sharing videos, music, and similar files. The FCC investigation led to a US Congress debate over whether and how much control ISPs should have over the flow of customer data.

Public interest groups complained in November 2007 to the FCC that Comcast had specifically targeted customers using applications that made use of the BitTorrent system, a popular form of file sharing. Free Press, an advocacy group that pushes for better oversight of cable operators such as Comcast, stated that Comcast practices were discriminatory towards users of the legal technology. “The cable companies see a hammer hovering above their heads and are scrambling to find ways to reduce the appearance of wrongdoing,” said Ben Scott, head of the group.

According to Roger Entner, a senior vice president from Nielsen IAG, as little as 5 percent of all Internet users may consume as much as 50 percent of all the bandwidth on the Internet. “This is the politically correct version of doing what Comcast had been doing before, though it takes the occasional [peer-to-peer] user off the hook,” Entner said. Sena Fitzmaurice, a Comcast spokesperson, said, “This says we won’t be looking at what type of traffic that there is, even though we still need to manage the network.”

Comcast’s tests are expected to begin in Chambersburg, Pennsylvania and Warrenton, Virginia.

While Comcast will attempt to throttle the speed of all its high-volume users, Time Warner Cable intends to use a different method. They will meter and bill clients, charging more money for faster speeds and larger amounts of transmitted data, functioning more like a traditional public utility, such as an electric company or cell phone service. Their metered billing test will begin on June 5 in Beaumont, Texas for newly enrolled customers. “Instead of raising prices across the board, consumers who are excessive users would pay,” said Alex Dudley, a Time Warner Cable spokesman. “It is clearly the fairest way to fund the investment that is going to be required to support that use.”

An Associated Press report that Time Warner Cable will bill customers between $29.95 to $54.90USD per month has been confirmed by the cable operator, with clients charged an extra $1 for each gigabyte (GB) by which they exceed their purchased plan. Art Brodsky, communications director of Public Knowledge, a consumer advocacy group in Washington D.C., has expressed concerns about the Time Warner Cable plan. Time Warner Cable’s most expensive offering, $54.90, comes with 15 megabits-per-second of data transfer speed and a 40 gigabyte limit on total data transfer.

“An HD (high-definition) movie is 8GB or so, three movies is more than half your allowance for a month, and heaven knows what else you might want to watch,” Brodsky says. “This is not a relieving congestion scheme as much as it is a rationing scheme. All it does is protect an inadequate infrastructure from the cable company.”

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The Comfort Of Having Air Conditioning In The Summer:

The Comfort of having Air Conditioning in the Summer:



An Air conditioner is a mechanism designed to dehumidify and extract heat from an area. The cooling is done using a simple refrigeration cycle. Its purpose, in a building or an automobile, is to provide comfort during either hot or cold weather.

To beat the scorching summer heat, people try different methods and different products. They wear cotton clothes, turn on fans, coolers, ACs and drink cool drinks. Out of all these things, there is nothing as effective as an AC. In a country like India which is hot almost all through the year, the AC is a much desired requirement in homes and offices. Though there are several reputed brands which manufacture and sell ACs, Videocon, Samsung, Whirlpool, Onida, LG, Ken star, Voltas etc. which manufactures high quality products.


Types of Air Conditioning Systems:

There are various types of air conditioning systems. The application of air conditioning system depends upon a number of factors like how large the area is to be cooled, the total heat generated inside the enclosed area, etc. An HVAC designer would consider all the related parameters and suggest the system most suitable for your space.

Split Air conditioner:

Split A/C comprises of two parts: the indoor unit and the outdoor unit. The indoor unit comprises the evaporator or cooling coil and the cooling fan. The outdoor unit, fitted outside the room, houses components like the compressor, condenser and expansion valve. For this unit you don t have to make any slot in the wall of the room. Further, the present day split units have aesthetic looks and add to the beauty of the room. The split air conditioner can be used to cool one or two rooms.

Window Air Conditioner:

Window A/C is commonly used air conditioner for single rooms. In this air conditioner all the components, namely the compressor, condenser, expansion valve or coil, evaporator and cooling coil are enclosed in a single box. This unit is fitted in a slot made in the wall of the room, or often a window sill.

These two types of air conditioner are mostly used in single room. In the past, Window air-conditioners were commonly used but after the introduction of split A/C, window A/C sales have considerably dropped.

Voltas Split Air conditioner Window Air Conditioner: Article Source:

Israeli parliament rejects disengagement referendum

Tuesday, March 29, 2005

Israel’s parliament, the Knesset, voted against a bill calling for a referendum on Prime Minister Ariel Sharon’s controversial plan to withdraw Israeli forces and civilians from the Gaza Strip and some parts of the West Bank. The vote passed 72-39, with three abstentions and six absent. The vote removes the last major hurdle for Mr. Sharon to implement the proposed plan, scheduled to start in July.

Mr. Sharon’s administration has not yet survived the upcoming vote on the 2005 budget, which takes place on Tuesday. But it has secured the support of the secular Shinui party, so a majority looks likely. Shinui had reservations about the amount of money transferred under the budget to projects organised by ultra-Orthodox parties. Under Israeli law, if the budget fails to pass, new elections must be held. Opponents of the disengagement plan intend to use the budget vote to topple Mr. Sharon’s government, and several MK’s attacked Shinui for their decision to support the budget.

Mr. Sharon’s position sparked a rebellion from his own center-right Likud party, with a significant majority of Likud MKs voting in favour of the bill, including several members of his own cabinet. Finance Minister Binyamin Netanyahu, Foreign Minister Silvan Shalom, Justice Minister Tzipi Livni, and Education Minister Limor Livnat all voted in favour of a referendum.

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